太子區全職女導師:擁有三張演奏級鋼琴證書LRSM, Dip ABRSM,Trinity ATCL:專業教授鋼琴﹑豎琴,Dip ABRSM演奏級及榮獲英國皇家音樂學院八級豎琴(優異成績)豐富豎琴表演,Harp Wedding performance,豎琴演奏經驗 鋼琴老師 豎琴老師 教琴老師 上門鋼琴老師 太子學琴 九龍灣學琴 九龍城區教琴 九龍塘學琴 何文田學琴 宋皇臺站 啟德 啟德鋼琴老師 太子
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Hung

SpatialWorks Design + Build 為各醫療中心, 專科診所, 動物診所及醫院, 中醫診所, 醫學美容中心 提供一站式室內設計及裝修工程服務 堅持平衡 美學. 實用. 質素.準時完工保證 誠信可靠, 多年來在得到客戶的信任及讚賞 設計團隊充分了解客人需要, 為不同類型的醫療中心機構, 度身定制最專業, 舒適的診所設計及裝修工程方案 歡迎聯絡我們 Tel: 5717 2974
S商業 / 裝修工程Spatialworks

雙職媽媽招請幼兒導師/保姆(北角) 教導生活自理,基本語言知識,去公園玩耍 需有照顧歲半幼兒經驗 每週兩至三次,早上8-12pm 時薪90
親子 / 保母Flora

Perfect for stopping by during a long day of shopping! You will be delighted by the friendliness of our staffs & our professional hair stylists.
E美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Exclusive Salon

SMS Schweizer Malschule (瑞士繪畫學校)制定瑞士視覺藝術分級考試,為考生設定考核標準。考試兼顧繪畫技巧及創意。 在制定標準過程中,參考及採納世界各地藝術家意見,更邀請當中佼佼者成為考試顧問,令考試更具專業及認受性,使考生憑藉考獲證書,取得廣泛認可


Mel Anjo Make-up & Hair 新娘化妝 結婚化妝 姊妹化妝 髮型 個人做型 專業形象化妝髮型設計, bridal makeup, professional image, makeup, hair design

supplies a full range of audio, video, lighting and staging production.
攝影及影音 / 節目及活動卓思影音製作有限公司

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

提供各類型model化妝造型,廣告造型,婚紗雜誌化妝,beauty 雜誌化妝,不同宴會造型,公司party化妝,特技化妝,舞臺表演及新娘造型.
l美容 / 化妝lily

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

iPhone / Android / Windows mobile Applications Design. Professional service

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Training objectives include strengthening self-confidence and promoting supportive spirit, independent and creative thinking (lateral thinking), fostering teamwork.

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing


IB Tutor 經濟科補習專家 IGCSE GCE Econ Alevel / HKDSE 專業經濟科補習,英國留學生,國際學校補習 / 經濟 專補GSIS德瑞/CIS漢基/SIS南島/新加坡國際/男拔/女拔/聖保羅男女/聖保祿等名校 英國哈囉Harrow, Headington, Brighton等Alevel寄宿名校
B教學進修 / 補習Brian Wong 經濟專家

Most traditional tire shops provide with only tire changing services, a few will carry rims and few accessories as supplement. GOODYEAR realized that today's drivers need more than that, therefore, t
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